Following the publication of the reference sequence of the bread wheat genome, IWGSC RefSeq v1.0, in the journal Science in August 2018, the IWGSC moved into Phase II and focuses its efforts on:

  1. IWGSC Diversity project to characterize the breadth of worldwide wheat diversity.
  2. IWGSC Wheat Genome Annotation project to identify and assign positions in the Chinese Spring reference bread wheat sequence to important features.
  3. IWGSC Reference Wheat Genome project to produce a Gold Standard reference genome sequence of the bread wheat genome cv. Chinese Spring.
  4. Development of Genomics Tools for the community through collaborations with services providers.

With these activities, the IWGSC will reach beyond the reference sequence to provide breeders and the broader scientific community with a full genome-sequence based tool box for wheat improvement.

Modification date: 01 September 2023 | Publication date: 18 December 2020 | By: ic