Coordinating Committee

Coordinating Committee

The Coordinating Committee, composed of sponsors and leaders of IWGSC projects, is responsible for establishing the overall scientific strategy of the consortium.
  • Michael Abrouk, KAUST, SA
  • Eduard Akhunov, Kansas State University, US
  • Michael Alaux, URGI-INRAE, FR
  • Rudi Appels, University of Melbourne, AgriBio, Murdoch University, AU
  • John Baison, RAGT Seeds, UK
  • Delfina Barabaschi, CREA, IT
  • Valerie Barbe, Genoscope, FR
  • Jan Bartos, Institute of Experimental Botany, CZ
  • Ute Baumann, University of Adelaide, AU
  • Arnaud Bellec, CNRGV-INRAE, FR
  • Philippa Borrill, John Innes Centre, UK
  • Gina Brown-Guedira, USDA-ARS, US
  • Hikmet Budak, Arizona Western College, US
  • Robin Buell, University of Georgia, US
  • Christopher Burt, RAGT Seeds, UK
  • Luigi Cattivelli, CREA, IT
  • Frédéric Choulet, GDEC-INRAE, FR
  • James Cockram, NIAB, UK
  • Ive De Smet, VIB, BE
  • Pierre Devaux, Florimond-Desprez, FR
  • Jaroslav Dolezel, Institute of Experimental Botany, CZ
  • Susanne Dreisigacker, CIMMYT, MX
  • Jorge Dubcovsky, University of California, Davis, US
  • Jacob Enk, Arbor Biosciences, US
  • Kellye Eversole, IWGSC, US
  • Tzion Fahima, University of Haifa, IL
  • Catherine Feuillet, Inari, US
  • Justin Gilpin, Kansas Wheat, US
  • Hirokazu Handa, Kyoto Prefectural University, JP
  • Pilar Hernandez, Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible (IAS-CSIC), ES
  • John Jacobs, BASF, BE
  • Jizeng Jia, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, CN
  • Kostya Kanyuka, NIAB, UK
  • Gabriel Keeble-Gagnère, Agribio, AU
  • Beat Keller, University of Zurich, CH
  • Abraham Korol, University of Haifa, IL
  • Tamar Krugman, University of Haifa, IL
  • Mingcheng Luo, University of California, Davis, US
  • Yann Manès, Syngenta, FR
  • Martin Mascher, IPK, DE
  • Rainer Melzer, University College, Dublin, IE
  • Christos Noutsos, SUNY Old Westbury, US
  • Jeyaraman Rajaraman, Syngenta, DE
  • Hélène Rimbert, GDEC-INRAE, FR
  • Elena Salina, Institute of Cytology & Genetics, RU
  • Taner Sen, USDA-ARS, Graingene, US
  • Hana Simkova, Institute of Experimental Botany, CZ
  • Pierre Sourdille, GDEC-INRAE, FR
  • Joshua Stein, IWGSC, US
  • Burkhard Steuernagel, John Innes Centre, UK
  • Vijay Tiwari, University of Maryland, US
  • Cristobal Uauy, John Innes Centre, UK
  • Miroslav Valarik, Institute of Experimental Botany, CZ
  • Rajeev Varshney, Murdoch University, AU
  • Xi Wang, BASF, BE
  • Song Weining, Northwest A&F University, CN
  • Yijing Zhang, Fudan University, CN
  • Tingting Zhu, University of California, Davis, US


Modification date: 11 April 2024 | Publication date: 16 March 2021 | By: ic