Reference Genome Project

Reference Genome Project

The IWGSC Reference Wheat Genome project aims at producing a high quality reference genome sequence of the bread wheat genome cv. Chinese Spring that is anchored to the genetic maps, integrates different data resources and provides automated and manual annotation of genes and genomic features.

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Under the leadership of Mingcheng Luo and Jan Dvorak (UC Davis, CA, USA) and with funding from the US National Science Foundation grant IOS-1929053 and the USDA Agricultural Research Service CRIS project 2030-21430-014-00-D, a revised version of the reference wheat genome has been completed.
A detailed description and an analysis of the first reference sequence of the bread wheat genome, IWGSC RefSeq v1.0, was published in the international journal Science on 17 August 2018.

Modification date: 01 September 2023 | Publication date: 11 December 2020 | By: ic