2014/07 - Draft sequence publication media coverage

2014/07 - Media coverage of the publication of the draft sequence of bread wheat

The publication of the draft sequence of bread wheat in the scientific journal Science in July 2014 generated an extensive media coverage around the world: The Washington Post, Reuters, The National Geographic, Scientific American, El Mundo, The Times of India, Xinhua, Die Welt ...

This list is non exhaustive and is no longer updated (broken links might occur)


07/21 - Radio Canada - Interview with Catherine Feuillet (Audio in French)
07/23 - Saskatoonhomepage.ca - Mapping Wheat Genome
07/24 - Manitoba Co-operator - Saskatchewan researchers help crack the wheat genome


07/18 - Xinhua News Agency - Scientists unveil genetic blueprint of bread wheat

Czech Republic

07/17 - Český rozhlas (Czech Radio) - Češi vyvinuli metodu, díky které je možné podrobně číst dědičnou informaci pšenice (Interview Jaroslav Doležel, Audio in Czech)
07/19 - Česká pozice - Vědecký průlom Čechů: „Odemkli“ genom pšenice
07/21 - iHNed.cz - Vědci v Olomouci programují pšenici. Chtějí pomoci vyšlechtit odolnější odrůdy
07/21 - Český rozhlas (Czech Radio) - Nahrubo přečtený genom pšenice
07/22 - Český rozhlas (Czech Radio) - Plán dědičné informace pšenice (Interview Jaroslav Doležel, Audio in Czech)


07/17 - AFP (via Yahoo!News) - Scientists unlock genetic blueprint of wheat
07/18 - Sciences et Avenir - Le génome du blé tendre est séquencé
07/18 - Biofutur - Le génome du blé à portée de main


07/17 - Die Welt - Wissen über Genom des Weizens enorm erweitert
07/17 - Süddeutsche Zeitung - Weizen-Genom enträtselt: Hoffnung auf mehr Brot
07/18 - Pflanzenforschung.de - Wichtige Schritte auf dem Weg zur vollständigen Sequenz des Weizengenomsand and "Weizen ist der Popstar unter den Getreiden!“ (Interview with Klaus Mayer )


07/17 - Deccan Herald - Wheat genome map may lead to high-yield varieties
07/18 - The Times of India - Research unveiled genetic blueprint of bread wheat
07/18 - The Telegraph - Indians help breach wheat barrier
07/19 - Hindustan Times - Scientists help slice out wheat genome
07/19 - Mumbai Mirror - Scientists successfully unlock the genetic blueprint of wheat
07/19 - NDTV - India Helps Decipher Secrets of Wheat Genes (Video)


07/18 - Le Scienze - Frumento, tutti i segreti di un genoma complesso
07/18 - La Repubblica - Sequenziato il genoma del frumento
07/18 - Strade - Vi presento il genoma del frumento


07/18 - Forskning.no - Endelig bedre hvete
07/18 - Aftenposten - Hvordan skille genet fra hveten


07/17 - Spanish scientific news agency SINC - El primer boceto genético del trigo harinero sale del horno
07/17 - El Mundo - El genoma del trigo abre la puerta a potenciar la producción del pan
07/18 - RTVE - El primer boceto del genoma del trigo harinero, paso para producir variantes más resistentes


07/20 - La Côte - Le blé dévoile sa génétique et donne des espoirs pour plus de pain

The Netherlands

07/17 - NRC Handelsblad - Tarwe heeft 124.000 genen
07/18 - Boerderij - Genetische blauwdruk tarwe onthuld


07/18 - Bakeryandsnacks.com - Hope for cheaper, more accessible wheat as genetic blueprint of bread wheat genome unveiled
07/18 - British Baker - Bread genome published to improve wheat
07/20 - International Business Times - Genetic Blueprint of Wheat Unveiled


07/17 - The Washington Post - Scientists unlock the genetic secrets of bread wheat
07/17 - Reuters - Genetic blueprint unveiled for vital food crop wheat
07/17 - Nature.com - Fiendish wheat genome reveals grain's history
07/17 - The National Geographic - Complex Bread Wheat Genome Cracked
07/17 - Genome Web - Wheat Consortium Unveils Draft Genome Generated from Isolated Chromosomes
07/17 - The Verge - Humanity now has a cheat sheet for breeding the perfect wheat
07/17 - Scientific American - Give Us This Day the Bread Wheat Genome (audio)
07/18 - Scientific American - Bread Wheat Genome Contains “Shocking” Plot Twist
07/18 - NBC News - Experts Crack Wheat Genome: Is Better Bread Ahead?

Publication date: 29 July 2021 | By: ic