All IWGSC data related to IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 publicly available at URGI

All IWGSC data related to the reference sequence of bread wheat, IWGSC RefSeq v1.0, publicly available at URGI

The International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium is pleased to announce that all data related to the reference sequence of bread wheat, IWGSC RefSeq v1.0, are available without restriction.

The following resources are now publicly available, without registration, at the IWGSC Data Repository hosted by URGI-INRA:

While scientists may freely publish using the IWGSC data, we do request that the source of the data be properly acknowledged.

IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 and IWGSC RefSeq annotation v1.0 have also been incorporated into:

Modification date: 16 August 2023 | Publication date: 10 December 2020 | By: ic